
On June 05, the partner stage at the University:Future Festival 2024 in Leipzig was dedicated to the festival track “Structures and Strategies”. It was organised by the University of Leipzig. The programme was held in German.

Key dates: The stage programme begins on June 5 at 09:00 and ends at 17:00. Following the day programme, there will be an evening event with the opportunity to network and exchange ideas.

Location: Leipzig University Library, lecture hall of the Bibliotheca Albertina, Beethovenstr. 6, 04107 Leipzig. The evening event will take place at Café Kritzel in the HGB, Wächterstraße 11, 04107 Leipzig.

Keynote speakers
On demand

Keynote speakers (selection)

Sebastian Gemkow
Saxon State Minister for Science, Culture & Tourism

Roger Gläser
Vice Rector for Talent Development: Studies and Teaching at Leipzig University

Foto von Ulrike Kuch

Ulrike Kuch
Vice President for Social Transformation at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Evelyn Korn
Vice President for University Culture and Quality Development at the University of Marburg

Foto Matthias Middel

Matthias Middell
Vice Rector for Campus Development, Cooperation and Internationalisation at Leipzig University

Foto von Thorsten Posselt

Thorsten Posselt
Director of the Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW

Anja Schulz
Advisor for university didactics with a focus on digitality at the office of Hochschuldidaktik Sachsen in Leipzig

Paul Steinbrecher
Speaker of the Conference of Saxon Student Bodies

Sebastian Zug
Professor of Software Technology and Robotics at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg

At 09:00, Sebastian Gemkow and Matthias Middell will each open the festival day in Leipzig with a welcome address. Thorsten Posselt’s keynote at 09:25 will focus on the innovation drivers of the future at universities. This will be followed by a one-hour discussion on challenges and transformations in higher education from 10:20 to 11:25, in which Thorsten Posselt himself, Ulrike Kuch, Evelyn Korn and Matthias Middell will take part. From 13:45 to 14:50, you can look forward to a panel discussion on the topic of teaching of the future: strategies for sustainable higher education with Anja Schulz, Roger Gläser, Paul Steinbrecher and Sebastian Zug.

Parallel to the stage programme of the Leipzig partner stage, a local meetup will take place from 11:40 to 12:40. Under the motto “From Bias to Balance: KI in der Bildung von morgen”, you are invited to discuss the interfaces and challenges of artificial intelligence (AI) and diversity in education.

The World Café format will address key issues relating to bias, accessibility, diversity in development and ethical governance of AI systems. The aim is to jointly develop ideas and solutions on how AI and diversity can be considered together in higher education. The Meetup is aimed at anyone who would like to add a gender- and diversity-sensitive perspective to their thoughts on AI in higher education and talk to various experts. In the World Café, you can talk to the following experts at four themed tables:

– Bias in AI algorithms with Claudia Loitsch (TU Dresden, SCADS.AI)
– AI & Accessibility: with Stefanie Dreiack & Casey Kreer (conesible)
– Diversity in AI development with Sarah Drechsel (TU Dresden) & Diana Hillebrand-Ludin (KCS)
– Ethics and governance of AI with Erik Buschmann (Leipzig University, SCADS.AI)

You can find the complete stage programme of the Leipzig-Stage in our programme overview.

Evening event

From 17:00, we would like to round off the day of the event with drinks in a relaxed atmosphere. The evening event offers all participants at our partner stage a personal setting for exchange and networking on site. The evening event will take place at Café Kritzel in the HGB, Wächterstraße 11, 04107 Leipzig. Please register separately to attend the evening event

On demand

You can find videos of the Leipzig-Stage on the YouTube channel of the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung.