Susann Fegter
Technische Universität Berlin, Professorin für Allgemeine und Historische Erziehungswissenschaft
About me
Dr. Susann Fegter is a Professor for Historical and General Educational Science with a specific focus on Gender, Technologies and Work at the University of Technology Berlin (TU Berlin). Her research is located in the area of pedagogical professions, international childhood studies and research methodologies. She is the Director of the School of Education (SETUB) and Speaker of the Berlin Graduate Program DiGiTal. Susann Fegter has long years of experiences in doing qualitative and participatory research with children and young people. Susann Fegter is one of the project leaders of the multinational qualitative study on “Children´s Understandings of Well-being” (CUWB) with research teams in 25 countries worldwide.