Annika Fünfhaus, VDI/VDE-IT consultant

Annika Fünfhaus

VDI/VDE-IT consultant

About me

Annika Fünfhaus has a bachelor’s degree in International Communication and Translation from the University of Hildesheim as well as a master’s degree in International Vocational Education from the University of Magdeburg and the Anglia Ruskin University in Chelmsford/UK. Her involvement in capacity building programmes for Asian professionals of technical and vocational education and training (TVET), her leading role in the scientific monitoring of a project aiming at developing further training modules for Tunesian nurses as well as a recent study on support mechanisms for companies offering apprenticeships in partner countries of German development cooperation equipped her with knowlegde and competences regarding TVET research, policy transfer and qualitative research methods. Since 2020, she manages the "Projektträgerschaft 'Digitale Hochschulbildung'" at VDI/VDE-IT enhancing her professional portfolio with knowledge about current developments regarding the digitalisation of higher education as well as with experience in public project funding including the support of beneficiaries of public funding in reaching their project objectives and in transfering them beyond their project's boundaries.