Partners 2024
We see ourselves as part of a network. Therefore, we are especially happy about the support of our partners without whom the University:Future Festival would not be possible!
Stage partners
Training partners
Network partners
Do you want to become a network partner of the University:Future Festival? Then find out more about our network partnership here.
Cooperation partners
The University:Future Festival is a cooperation of Hochschulforum Digitalisierung, Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre and Stifterverband.

The Hochschulforum Digitalisierung orchestrates the discourse on higher education in the digital age. As a central initiator, we inform, advise and network with members of universities, policy makers, business representatives and society. The Hochschulforum Digitalisierung was founded in 2014. It is a joint initiative of the Donors’ Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany (Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft), the CHE Center for Higher Education Development and the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK). It is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Since 2021, the Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre aims to enable innovation in teaching and learning at universities and to strengthen the renewal capacity of university teaching overall and on an ongoing basis. The foundation supports suitable projects that are anchored at individual universities or implemented in a network. In addition, it creates networking opportunities for the actors. It also supports the exchange of project results, successes and challenges and makes shared knowledge available. All funds for this scientific institution will be provided by the federal and state governments.
Stifterverband is a joint initiative started by companies and foundations – the only one in Germany to be devoted entirely to consulting, networking and promoting improvements in the fields of education, science and innovation.
Stage partners 2024 is the official state portal for studying and teaching in North Rhine-Westphalia. Teachers and students can find free, open educational materials and helpful support services for teaching and learning on

The AI Campus is the learning platform for artificial intelligence with free online courses, videos and podcasts to strengthen AI and data skills. As a research and development project, the AI Campus is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Leipzig University was founded in 1409 and is one of Germany’s leading universities for medical research. It offers a unique variety of subjects in the humanities and social sciences as well as natural and life sciences.

The Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm (the Ohm) is a university of applied sciences. It is one of the largest universities of applied sciences in Germany with approximately 13,000 students. The Ohm is a place of opportunity for teaching, researching, and lifelong learning. At the Ohm, we are researching important issues affecting society and developing and realising ideas for the world we live in today and for tomorrow. The university has a strong impact in the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region and beyond. Modern teaching and learning formats together with broad and practically oriented academic programmes open up outstanding professional prospects for Ohm graduates.

We are rethinking university! Interdisciplinary, international and digital: this is the conceptual core of the Technical University of Nuremberg (UTN). The aim is to link engineering sciences with other areas of society. The newly founded university also focuses on English-language teaching, digital forms of learning and pioneering research topics. In the medium term, the UTN campus will offer around 37 hectares of space for up to 6,000 students and combine learning, teaching and living in one place.
Training partners 2024

The German Association for Higher Education Didactics (dghd) is the scientific association for all those interested in the topics of “higher education didactics” and “study reform” in German-speaking countries. The dghd provides a forum for research and development in higher education didactics, promotes discussion on higher education didactics and takes a stand on important issues in higher education teaching and study.

As an initiative of the Stifterverband, Stifterverband Change complements its decades of experience in university development, education and innovation as well as science management and combines this with innovative methods and a forward-looking approach to develop customised formats for your needs.
Network partners 2024
The University:Future Festival is supported by numerous network partners. Would you also like to become a network partner?