November 3, 2021, 16:10 pm – 16:40 pm

Digital Competencies of Students: How they are assessed and can contribute to student success

Students are often assumed to be competent in the use of digital technologies. However, observations in the teaching context show that students do not (or cannot) necessarily transfer skills acquired in their private environment to the study context. In order to provide appropriate concepts for the further development of teaching/learning quality and the efficient use of corresponding technologies, a valid database on which digital competencies students have, is required.
We therefore refer to the European Reference Framework DigComp2.1 as well as selected results from surveys of several large universities in Germany as a conceptual basis. First, we address the question: How precise can we assess digital competencies? In addition, we address the significance of digital competencies in the first year in higher education under pandemic conditions. While it has been widely proven that self-efficacy is a good predictor of student success, satisfaction and dropout intentions, this paper uses a nationwide sample in Germany to examine the extent to which digital competencies mediate this relationship when students experience their first year in higher education (only) on in a virtual environment. Ultimately, the valid recording of digital competencies serves as the basis for quality-enhancing concepts for higher education teaching in order to coordinate the sensible use of (also digital) teaching/learning technologies with existing competencies or to promote the acquisition of missing competencies.

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