November 2, 2021, 16:10 pm – 16:40 pm

Digital leap in the face of uncertainty? Change management lessons from re-organisation of studies

The past year has been challenging, but transformative for rapid digitalisation of teaching and learning activities in the field of higher education. That being said, it is important to look at this process in retrospect and evaluate the quality and impact of the changes that took place on curriculum development; learning experience and digital skills.

The following session will introduce participants to a case study of re-organisation of teaching and learning activities to online and remote formats on the example of the University of Tartu (J. Skytte Institute of Political Studies) in Estonia, from a perspective of a practitioner involved in designing and managing re-organisation process as part of the Digital Task Force.

The session will give an overview to a comprehensive model of re-organisation of studies, taking into account inclusive and wide-reaching elements such as smart integration of educational technology in the classrooms; planning of learning spaces and its alignments with the learning outcomes; teaching assistants’ training; and development of digital competences and online didactics for teaching staff. The speaker of the session will introduce participants to a unique empirical data and feedback collected from a diverse set of stakeholders (i.e. teaching staff, teaching assistants, managers and students), involved in the process or re-organisation, as well as present the toolkit for re-adjustment of studies.

The session will be concluded with a broader discussion on leadership and change management lessons, which could be drawn from this experience, and possibilities of applicability of the following model in the future and other similar contexts.

There is a video recording of this session.If you cannot see it: Click on "More info" to watch it.


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