Susanne Glaeser
TH Köln, Center for Academic Development
About me
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Susanne Glaeser M.A. is a senior consultant at the Center for Academic Development at TH Köln. She holds a Master of Arts in Educational Media from the University of Duisburg-Essen and an engineering degree in Media Technology from the Hochschule für Medien, Stuttgart. Prior to her work for TH Köln, she has 20 years of experience as producer and director in media production for TV and as a consultant and author for media enhanced teaching and learning formats. In 2010 Ms. Glaeser joined the TH Köln. In the Center of Academic Development she is responsible for the development of media enhanced teaching and learning throughout the whole institution and supervises the media production office where over 700 greenscreen and animation videos for teaching have been produced over the last years. She advises the teaching staff on how to create engaging and competence-oriented digital learning materials. Next to her assignment at TH Köln Susanne Glaeser works as an e-learning consultant for Deutsche Welle Akademie. She designs qualification programs for journalists in the gobal south and gives workshops for the capacity building of journalists as trainers. Susanne Glaeser represents the TH Köln at the German „Hochschulforum Digitalisierung“ and is a member of the committee for digitalisation of the UAS7, a network of seven major universities of applied sciences.