May 13, 2025, 10:55 am – 11:25 am

AI in Education: Empowering Students to become the Teacher

Imagine knowledge work in higher education automated with AI while maintaining high-quality standards. As educators adapt to students' individual needs, institutions are expanding to accommodate ever-larger cohorts. This is where AI can help. Through the KI-Tutor:innen Bayern program, students from Bavarian institutions were trained in pedagogy and AI use. They partnered with professors on projects like developing course-specific chatbots or reusable prompts for efficient course design. This skilled workforce improved the educator and student experience, one course at a time. We will share how the program was designed and implemented, the challenges we faced and how we overcame them. We’ll also highlight the program’s scalability, provide actionable advice for replicating this model at other institutions, and present success stories.


Structures & Strategies


AI:Stage TU Graz



