June 7, 2024, 14:30 pm – 15:30 pm

Living Learning Materials - towards inclusive educational futures

How do we create inclusive educational futures? How do we interact with knowledge, stories and mis(sing)-information of the world? And how do we weave ourselves, our needs, ideas and perspectives into the stories that are being told?
Within uncertain futures there is a surprising gateway to address these challenges: the (digital) materiality of teaching and learning. All of us work with materials transmitting content, ideas and concepts and (co)shaping our teaching and learning – as well as the mis- and disinformation we encounter. Also, teaching and learning materials are increasingly being discussed in terms of inclusion as they have an influence on who is included or excluded in learning settings. Who has access to materials? Who can work well with them? Whose stories are being told? And whose perspectives are missing?
In the context of digitality and AI, materials are no longer static – they are living. They have the potential to be adapted to various learning needs, to be remixed and highly personalized. What is missing in this discussion, however, is how we can step into an active and critical engagement with our materials in order to harvest these potentials. In the workshop we explore the concept of Living Learning Materials developed in the digiLLM-project. It is based on the idea of engaging with material in order to make one's own needs, contexts and perspectives in teaching and learning visible. Drawing from concepts like OER, the focus is on the critical engagement with the materials surrounding us. Engaging with materials is a promising and approachable way to involve teachers and students in co-designing educational futures. Herein, we do not refer to fixed quality criteria. Instead, we work with the Framework for the Reflection on Living Learning Materials (FRoLLM), which allows for reflection, imagination and speculation. Join us to explore how materials open up a space to reflect on teaching & learning – and thus the educational futures we desire.

Literacy: Deimann, M. & Farrow, R. (2013). Rethinking OER and their Use: Open Education as Bildung. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 14(3), 344–360. https://doi.org/10.19173/irrodl.v14i3.1370 Funes, M. & Mackness, J. (2018). When inclusion excludes: a counter narrative of open online education. Learning, Media and Technology, 43:2, 119–138. https://doi.org/10.1080/17439884.2018.1444638 Knox, J. (2013). Five Critiques of the Open Educational Resources Movement. Teaching in Higher Education, 18(8), 821–832. https://doi.org/10.1080/13562517.2013.774354 Otto, D., & Kerres, M. (2022). Deconstructing the Virtues of Openness and its Contribution to Bildung in the Digital Age. In D. Kergel, Garsdahl, J., Paulsen, M., & Heidkamp-Kergel, B. (Hrsg.), Bildung in the Digital Age (S. 17). London: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003158851-5 Pieper, M., Bierschwale, C., Sikorová, Z., Vogt. M. (2023). Kriterien für inklusionssensible Bildungsmaterialien und ihre Weiterentwicklung für den digitalen Kontext. In A.-M. Kamin, J. Holze, M. Wilde (Hg.), Inklusive Medienbildung in einer mediatisierten Welt – Medienpädagogische Perspektiven auf ein interdisziplinäres Forschungsfeld. Pieper, M., Neuhaus, T., Vogt, M. (2023). Postdigital Bildung as a guiding principle to foster Inclusion in Educational Media. In: Macgilchrist, F. & Weich, A. (Eds.). Postdigital Participation in Education. Who participates how in contemporary media constellations? (pp. 59-80). Palgrave Macmillan: Palgrave Studies in Educational Media. Pieper, M., Vogt, M., Bierschwale, C. (2023). Living Learning Materials im Fokus digitaler universitärer Lehre. Zum Zusammenspiel vom reflexiven Lernen über und gemeinsamem Gestalten von digitalen Bildungsmaterialien. In L. Mrohs, D. Herrmann, K. Lindner, T. Staake, J. Franz (Hg.), Digitale Kulturen der Lehre entwickeln – Rahmenbedingungen, Konzepte und Werkzeuge (Reihe: Perspektiven der Hochschuldidaktik), Springer VS Verlag, Wiesbaden 2024 (geplant).

Method: Together we will critically evaluate materials (books, articles, learning materials, etc.) that participants work with on a daily basis (as teachers, learners or in other contexts). Those can be chosen on site. The Framework of the Reflection of Living Learning Materials (FRoLLM), which was developed in the digiLLM project, is used. Based on these evaluations, the extent to which materials and materialities of teaching and learning are relevant in the course of developing the "tales of tomorrow" will be discussed.

  • Marlene Pieper, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaft der Universität BielefeldMarlene Pieper
    Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaft der Universität Bielefeld

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