April 26, 2023, 11:35 am – 12:05 pm

Participatory design of open education policies: A practical approach with examples

In this session we will briefly present on how we have devised an open education and/or OER policy and strategy design methodology, that has been used in many different scenarios and levels (government, NGOs, higher-education) in countries from around the world. The methodology is based on two instruments (1) a comprehensive and systemic set of published guidelines by UNESCO that encourages a reflective and systemic approach to policy design (co-designed by one of the participants) and (2) a game that has been developed and used with policy makers to help them identify gaps and priorities for open education policy design (design by the Open Education Initiative, co-led by one of the participants). We will discuss real world cases from Brazil and Slovenia, and explain how others can make use of this useful approach.


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