About me
Christine Regitz is Global Head of Women in Tech@SAP and a member of the Supervisory Board of SAP SE. After studying business administration and physics at Saarland University and Universita Degli Studi Bari (I), she started her career as a consultant at IDS Prof. Scheer GmbH and has held various management positions at SAP since 1994.
In an honorary capacity, she is, among other things, a member of the presidium and spokesperson of the business advisory board of the Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., a member of the industrial board of trustees of the Leibniz Centre for Informatics (Schloss Dagstuhl), the Council for Information Infrastructures, the board of trustees of the Steinbeis Foundation and the board of trustees of the German Museum. She has accompanied the AI Campus for a long time as a member of the advisory board.