The jury of the University:Future Festival 2025 is made up of the six track juries and a superordinate programme jury, which consists of the track jury heads. Below you will find an overview of the individual members.
Programme jury

Christina Zitzmann
Vice President for Education at the TH Nuremberg

Esther Bishop
Exchange & Networking Officer, StIL

Gerd Kortemeyer
Rectorate and AI Center, ETH Zurich

Isa Jahnke
Founding Vice President for Studies, Teaching and International Affairs, UTN

Judith Koeritz
Programme Manager at Stifterverband

Julius Othmer
Head of Project House at TU Braunschweig

Luisa Gregory
Consultant, HFD – HRK

Martin Ebner
Head of Teaching and Learning Technologies, senior researcher in educational informatics, TU Graz

Michael Garkisch
Digital Social Work & Social Management, OTH Regensburg

Ronny Röwert
Head of Office, Digital Learning Campus

Sebastian Horndasch
Festival director, U:FF

Thomas Hoffmeister
Professor of Population and Evolutionary Ecology, University of Bremen
Track jury: The bigger Picture

Alexander Gerber
Research professorship for AI in teaching and learning at HSRW

Annabel Bokern
Head of Staff Unit Excellence Strategy, Goethe University Frankfurt

Bettina Pfaendner
Project Team University Alliance Digitalisation at Wissenschaftszentrum Kiel

Esther Bishop
Exchange & Networking Officer, StIL

Franz Vergöhl
Innovation scout of the HCU and the Podcast Update University

Greet Gerda Stichel
Digital Change Maker 2024/2025

Johanna Springhorn
Project coordinator at the Centre for Teaching and Learning, Bielefeld University

Lorenz Mrohs
Project Coordinator, University of Bamberg

Michael Meyer
Network Coordinator Emerging Tech Lab at TU Braunschweig

Naveed Syed
Secretary General of the ENHANCE Alliance

Tabea Hein
Academic Lecturer Digital Transformation and AI, IU International University

Thomas Korner
Head of Innovation Lab, ZHAW
Track jury: AI & Technology

Arno Wilhelm-Weidner
Scientific consultant, VDI/VDE-IT

Ben Lenk-Ostendorf
Head of AI Guides, TU Munich

Benedikt Brünner
Research assistant in the field of AI, TU Graz

Fiona Könz
AI for School Project Manager, ETH Zurich

Gerd Kortemeyer
Rectorate and AI Center, ETH Zürich

Imanol Schlag
Technical Lead for Large Language Model Development at Swiss AI Initiative, ETH Zürich

Julius Othmer
Head of Project House at TU Braunschweig

Lea Hildermeier
DigitalChangeMaker Cohort 23

Luisa Baum
AI in language teaching | PhD student & research assistant @JGU

Markus von der Heyde
Organiser of the Higher Education CIO Congress

Nina Bieling
Research assistant at the Chair of Higher Education Didactics and Research, TU Dortmund

Sabrina Zeaiter
Consultant for Digitalisation (Studies & Teaching), Chief Information Office, Goethe University Frankfurt
Track jury: Future Skills

Friedhelm Bruns
Music mediator & theatre teacher at the Detmold University of Music

Ingo Kleiber
Senior Expert for Digital Education and Educational Technology at the University of Cologne

Jennifer Koch
Head of the ‘Digital Teaching’ department at Jena University Hospital

Judith Koeritz
Programme manager at Stifterverband

Lars Gerber
Research assistant, University of Vechta

Marcus Soll
Research Associate CrossLab Project

Melanie Wilde
Project management ‘Innovative University’ – InCamS@BI, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences

Nadine Chochoiek
Professor for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Munich Business School

Sarah Edelsbrunner
Employee in the Future Skills department, TU Graz

Stephanie Reiner
Junior Professor for Innovative Didactics, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

Ulrike Mascher
Project Coordinator Future Learning Spaces, Goethe University

Vera Kristina Lenz-Kesekamp
Vice President for Digitalisation, European Distance Learning University Hamburg
Track jury: Innovative Learning

Annalisa Biehl
DigitalChangeMaker 2024/2025

Christina Zitzmann
Vice President for Education at TH Nuremberg

Daniela Schmitz
Junior Professor for Innovative and Digital Forms of Teaching and Learning in Multiprofessional Healthcare

Felix Greven
Project Manager Knowledge Transfer, StIL

Franziska Richter
Digital Transformation Teaching and University Didactics Officer at the University of Bremen

Jule-Louisa Gronau
Student, research assistant & tutor

Julia Philipp
Centre for Science Didactics, Ruhr University Bochum

Olaf Herden
Professor of Computer Science, DHBW Stuttgart Campus Horb

Ronny Röwert
Head of Office, Digital Learning Campus

Silke Herwig
Professor of Media Design, iu International University

Stefan Böhme
Product Owner im Media Lab der TU Braunschweig

Thomas Bröker
University didactics expert in the Digital Teaching Research and Innovation Lab, TH Nuremberg

Thomas Hoffmeister
Professor of Population and Evolutionary Ecology University of Bremen
Track jury: People

Michael Garkisch
Digital Social Work & Social Management, OTH Regensburg

Luisa Gregory
Advisor HFD – HRK

Thomas Bretz
Speaker of the Executive Board, StIL

Johanna Mencke
Exchange & Networking Officer

Viktoria Fitterer
Head of Campus Services, KIT

Ramona Schulz
Excellence Strategy Officer at the University of Hamburg

Carolin Then Bergh
Digital Change Maker 2024/working student at HFD – CHE

Annemarie Freudenberg
Teaching Development Officer, Mainz University of Applied Sciences

Andrea Ruf
Departmental Advisor, Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences
Track jury: Innovative Learning

Alexandra Hassler
Deputy Managing Director Science Network

Alice Altissimo
Expert for strategy development and change projects, TU Braunschweig

Anika Düring
Project Manager Change and Transformation, TU Braunschweig

Annabell Bils
Managing Director, Centre for Learning and Innovation, FernUniversität in Hagen

Hans Pongratz
Technical Managing Director, Foundation for University Admissions / TU Dortmund University

Kerstin Stiewe
Consultant for teaching and curriculum development

Lucia Aschauer
Exchange & Networking Officer, StIL

Marcus Lamprecht
Quality management for studying and teaching at the University of Duisburg-Essen

Martin Ebner
Head of Teaching and Learning Technologies, Senior Researcher Educational Informatics, TU Graz

Monique Tech
Coordinator for Processes and Structural Development in University Development at JGU Main

Philipp Höllermann
Digital Learning Enthusiast, KI-Rookie, New Learning Padawan

Stefan Jazdzejewski
Managing Director of the Talent Accelerator Software Campus and the AI Grid Network

Thies Hauck
Head of University Development & Green Office, Bucerius Law School