Liudmila Fridman
Visual artist, Photographer. At the moment she receives a Master's degree in “Art & Science” from St. Petersburg National Research University ITMO.
Über mich
Lucien's specializations are digital art projects and photography. Adding abstraction to her works, she uses the author's color correction methods and neural network algorithms, as well as sound engineering. Through the lens of her camera Lucien.Art tries to capture elusive reality, while in post-processing, she seeks to endow a digital environment with feeling. Sensations, elements, time, sounds, people, and artificial intelligence are woven together in her works. Selected artworks participated in: LoosenArt Gallery, Millepiani(Italy), Art in Metaverse at UNDER STAND AVENUE(Korea), TRANSMISSION DIGITAL UTOPIAS at De Digitale festival(Germany), TransHumance at the CON-TEMPORARY Art Observatorium(Italy), Wild Media:International Digital Media and Arts Association: iDMAa exhibition(USA).