15. May 2025, 10:30 – 11:30 Uhr

Hybrid learning spaces. Findings on similarities and differences from two labs in Sweden & Germany

Based on current research findings in the context of learning space design and the experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is assumed that digitalization concepts are fundamentally changing the learning space of higher education. Accordingly, strategies for learning spaces design practices and processes are needed to be developed and tested.
At Umeå university and HTW Berlin, two learning space projects were carried out independently of each other to design, implement and evaluate student-centered model spaces for hybrid teaching/learning scenarios. In a workshop, the two projects will be presented, similarities and differences analyzed and, building on this, key findings will be developed and discussed interactively with the participants.

  • Katja Ninnemann, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft BerlinKatja Ninnemann
    Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin
  • Lioba Rubik, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft BerlinLioba Rubik
    Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin
  • Åse Tieva, Associate professor, Centre for Educational Development (UPL), Umeå University, SwedenÅse Tieva
    Associate professor, Centre for Educational Development (UPL), Umeå University, Sweden
  • Marie Leijon, Associate professor, Center for teaching and learning, Malmö university, SwedenMarie Leijon
    Associate professor, Center for teaching and learning, Malmö university, Sweden

Structures & Strategies


Digital 9



