Lea Hildermeier
Studentin, DigitalChangeMaker 2024, Gründungsmitglied und Vorstand von liligoesmental.de, Universität Bielefeld
Über mich
Lea Hildermeier is a founding- and board member of the student group LiLiGoesMental at Bielefeld University. Through her commitment, she aims to destigmatise mental health issues and to establish structures at university that enable a low-threshold exchange about mental health and illness. Her work with LiLiGoesMental includes participating in task forces and university committees; organising exchange platforms, workshops, and information events; and sharing personal experiences and resources on the LiLiGoesMental website and on Instagram. In October 2023, the article “Von Student*innen für Student:innen: Engagement für Mentale Gesundheit am Beispiel der Hochschulgruppe LiLiGoesMental“ by Lea Hildermeier and Lena Rosenfeld was published in the „Zeitschrift für Beratung und Studium" (UVW).