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Nakeema Stefflbauer & Nushin Yazdani

Future Tense: AI from the Margins

What is it like to navigate a world that was designed without you? How does it feel to dodge tools that exclude, victimize, or mis-classify you? Today’s artificial intelligence is being applied to real life. And the „norms“ it is creating perpetuate a grossly unfair system. This is AI, as seen from the margins. This is Future Tense. More infos can be found here.

Dr. Nakeema Stefflbauer is a digitalisation expert with a  background in research, technology transformation and social  entrepreneurship. She holds an Executive MBA from the disruptive Quantic  School of Management, as well as degrees from Brown University  and Harvard University. As founder and CEO of the German non-profit  organization, FrauenLoop, Dr. Stefflbauer is committed to addressing the  marginalization of immigrant, refugee, and working-parent women from  the technology scene. She is passionate about diversity and inclusion in  tech, intersectional feminism, and the impact of artificial  intelligence on marginalised communities.

Nushin Isabelle Yazdani is an interaction and transformation  designer, artist and AI researcher. In her work, she examines the  interconnectedness of digital technologies and social justice,  artificial intelligence and discrimination – from an intersectional  feminist perspective. She creates collaboratively with the communities  that are directly impacted by the designed outcomes and seeks to explore  design processes that dismantle oppressive structures. She is a Member of the Design Justice Network and a lecturer, and has been teaching for instance at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam or at the University of the Arts Berlin. Apart from teaching Nushin also curates and organizes community events at the intersection of technology, art and design.