Jörg Hafer
Gesellschaft für Medien in der Wissenschaft e.V. (GMW)
Über mich
Joerg Hafer studied education, philosophy and sociology in Frankfurt a.M., Karlsruhe (GER) and Leiden (NL), graduating with a Magister Artium (M.A.) in Education. Since 1999 he has been professionally active in the e-learning sector. He has been at the University of Potsdam since 2007, where he has headed the "Teaching and Media" department at the Center for Quality Development in Studies and Teaching since 2014. At the ZfQ, in addition to heading the department, he was primarily involved in consulting, conception and project management of projects in e-learning, innovative teaching and internationalisation. He is board member of the German Society for Media in Science (GMW) e.V. since 2016. Jörg Hafer has been on leave from the University of Potsdam since September 2022 to take the opportunity to redesign his professional interests in New Delhi.